Friday, February 19, 2010

Focus on building yourself up... Not someone else down.

As you get closer to the top, there will always be someone there to try and stop you.  There's always someone there that tries to burn out your light so they can deflect from the fact that their own light is dim and flickering.  (As Success Magazine puts it:  If you're getting kicked in the rear it means you're out in front.)

Why is this?  Because it is EASIER to focus on bringing someone down than it is to FOCUS on your own insecurities and short-comings. 

This seems really appropriate, given all of the events going on in our community right now (as well as in my own personal life).  But please take note:  bullying others, focusing on ripping them to shreds and talking non-sense (even to yourself) does absolutely nothing for your own self image / self worth.  It temporarily makes you feel better about the stuff that you aren't getting done.  In fact, all of your constant insults are a reflection of yourself looking in the mirror.  It takes a lot of energy to focus so hard on other people - it's energy you can not afford.  If you spent half of that energy on acknowledging your own insecurities, then you would automatically feel better.  Because let's face it...  tearing me down only gets your blood boiling, it doesn't actually fix anything.

Parents, friends and families - let's work hard at building up our own self worth.  Let's teach our kids to focus on feeling good about themselves so they don't feel the need to bash others in order to feel powerful.   Let's agree that with true self-confidence, our kids can grow up with a clear head, fair approaches, lik-ability and happy.

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