Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Charge it.

I want to be first to admit that I once fell into the rut of charging things that I reallllllly wanted but could not pay cash for.  Over the past two years, we have exercised extreme restraint and have ultimately become a lot happier.

Too many people are living a false lifestyle because of a credit limit on their cards.  There is this need to have flashy things to project an appearance that everything is going well in your lala land.  I know, I've done it, I've been there.  Eventually it all catches up to you and you are drowning in endless debt and stressing out over.....things that you thought you needed.  Buying can be a very emotionally charged and dangerous event.  If you are feeling unsatisfied in other areas, you can try to make up for it by changing your "outward appearance."

- Someone messaged us the other day and said "I don't have crazy money like you guys.  It's harder for me to invest in my future...." 

- The secret: it is not and never was about what you don't have.  It's about what you choose to do with what you do have.  This past spring when our refrigerator broke, we could've purchased a $2,000 fridge with an ice box but we chose not to.  We could have charged it or paid cash.  Instead, we purchased something that would fit our needs and keep more money in our account.  Why?  Because there are better uses for our money than a fancy refrigerator.  Your current and future financial position directly correlates with your spending choices.  It will have a lot LESS to do with the amount of money that you make.
  I guarantee it - you will never fix money problems with money.  You fix it by changing habits.
We need to wake up and stop charging our lives away.  Eventually you have to pay for all that stupid stuff you didn't really need.  Can you go an entire month without charging something?  If not, try it.  Try to find joy in what you have.  If what you want is a more elaborate lifestyle - that's great - build one.  But at least build it right so that you don't choke on your bills at the end of every month.

My gift to you,

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