Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Brainwashing : Success like Apple:Pie

Yesterday someone said to me "You're brainwashed, nobody is always that happy."

I said: "You know what, you're damn right.  I am brainwashed to be happy.  I'm brainwashed to be successful and in love."

Ever hear the comment "Whether you think you can or think can not, you're right." ?  I believe so whole-heartedly in this statement and I'm careful to think I "can" every day.

Ever wonder why the children of rich people usually end up being rich themselves?  A lot of people would love to "blame that" on inheritance or daddy and mommy giving them everything they want.  I believe that from the day we are born we are brainwashed to be like the people who we are around.  Children of business owners learn on a first hand-basis how to be "The Boss".  Children of parents who are never there and party all the time learn how to be reckless and careless.  Children of  financially responsible parents make financially sound decisions.  And so on....

Some people grow up and re-wire their brains.  They see something that they really want (love, money, career or whatever), and they literally have to rewire themselves in order to get what they want!  It is possible.  I'm a prime example : I'm totally brainwashed for happiness. I can confidently say that my "brainwashing" was more a factor in my ability to succeed than any degree I've gotten or could get, money I had or didn't have or situation I was in or wasn't in.  Brainwashing is the key ingredient to having your pie and eating it to.  


What are you Brainwashed for?  What consumes your daily thoughts?  Are those thoughts in line with your real goals and desires?  What are willing to do/change in order to be where you REALLY want to be?

Love & Peace,

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