Remember when we were kids and we didn't just dream of becoming rockstars? Remember not just thinking about it but actually feeling it and visualizing yourself already there?
Did you ever:
- Sing at the top of your lungs with the door shut and imagine that the object of your affection was secretly watching you?
----- Yes. Still do on a pretty regular basis.
- Have full out conversations / run a speech etc. out loud as if you were really in the moment?
----- Oh yes. Everything from actual speeches, how I would approach a new client to how I would deal with a difficult person and more.
- Go through an entire day with a friend as the two of you pretended to from some totally different place?
----- Thom Boyer. We went to see HMS Pinafore in NY. We were from England all day long.
- Play house? Play Lawyer? Play dress Up?
----- Life is a game. I believe a friend of mine put it best. "We're not really grown up. We just play house and dance studio."
- Draw out your life alone or with a friend?
----- Many times and with different people. The first time I did it was alone. I was going to be like Mariah Carey but not as tall. The second was with Meg Donhauser. We were going to live in an awesomely crummy little apartment in NYC during the day and perform on Broadway at night. We also planned on decorating the walls with random paint brush art that we created on Mr.K's computer during periods we should have been in class. Another was with a different friend. This time we were going to live in Pleasantville with white picket fences and a local YMCA. And now, I plan with my 3 main boys (Ry, Jor and E) and we are planning for 3 pads: One here, an apt in NY and one in Miami.
-Imagine yourself at the top of your field? As a new teacher or business partner?
------ Yes. I've always imagined myself at the top of my game. Now I imagine myself creating the game.
- Falling in love in far away places?
------ I have and I do again and again every single day.
To stop dreaming would be to stop living.
I'm not suggesting that one can not ever be happy with where they are at. What I am suggesting is that dreaming is what makes us feel most alive. Even if it is an oxymoron, I do believe we can be happy while dreaming of more and of the next thing. In my line of business, we often get to share in other people's dreams. It's quite special to hear about what is important to other people, where they want to go and how they feel about their current situation. Sometimes, it's a little sad because I've actually met people that have to re-learn how to dream. Some part of the monotony of every day life drained away their own ability to dream.
My advice for the day: Day Dream. Dream While Your Awake. Visualize Yourself In The Exact Place You Want To Be and Never Settle.
Your Dreams and your Thoughts are more powerful than any thing else you have in your toolbox - so start there.
Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.
Love and Peace,