Monday, April 19, 2010

How do you like your coffee?

How do you like your coffee?  It's a question we all know the answer to.  Whether you're like I am and like "Soy vanilla latte, extra hot with no foam" or your answer is "I don't drink coffee", the answer is usually a solid one. 

Today and this week, I will allow myself to understand the things that I really love and identify the things that I could use less of.  The answers to more difficult questions such as these may not come so quickly, however, in order to keep growing and being happy, I feel that these answers should be solid.  By solid, I mean that they should be clearly understood and acknowledged.  They may change from year to year, but I will strive to be aware of them. 

What are some of the things that you love to do, be a part of or be around?  What are some of those exact things that you could shave off so that you are not allowing yourself to be pulled in a direction that is unproductive or creates feelings of unhappiness?  How do you like your coffee?

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