Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The difference between making the cut and not.

All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. – Walt Disney

 Never have truer words been said.  At some point in our lives, we have all had dreams, goals, aspirations and visions for the way we want to live our lives.  Hopefully, you haven't forgotten this important part of the process, because to dream is certainly the first step.

So, what makes us different?  Why do some people seem so lucky?  Why do some people become blessed with the fortune of realizing their dreams while others aren't so "lucky" or even worse, forget how to dream?

 It's been said so many different ways, but the truth is:  Successful people did what others failed to do.  It's the courage to keep going that will take you directly to your goal.  Never stop.  Never give up. Never let obstacles throw you off track permanently.  We're all going to have better days than others.  What we have to remember is that the prize is always sweeter when you've earned it.  You either have the courage to keep going or you don't.  You either get to where you're going or you choose a stopping point along the way.  Successful people understood the steps necessary and the commitment necessary to get to where they were going. (As per JR Ridinger) They ran into the same problems that everyone does, the major difference is: they ran into a whole lot more and kept plowing through!

It's always easier to settle into a routine than to create something new.  It's easier to send an email than to reach out and talk to someone.  It's easier to avoid tackling a problem with a situation or person than it is to face it.  It's easier to talk about people behind their backs than it is to focus on your own life.  It's easier to be on the sidelines instead of in the game.  You certainly are less vulnerable to failure.  It's always easier to participate in these unproductive activities because it is a safe haven from the things you should be doing.

The point is:  the courage to endure the harder things in life determines the speed you take on your path.  Don't allow unproductive activity, toxic relationships or negativity to influence how you make your decisions.  If your dreams mean that much to you, you have to do something different. 

So I guess it all depends on your game plan.  Are you in this game as a spectator or are you in it to win it?  

Pictured:  Dennis Franks (VP of Market America, Former Philadelphia Eagles Player, Mentor) giving us a permanent visual of him telling us to "keep going and never give up".  

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