Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I hope your ignorant of the impossible to do it.

"Never tell a young person that something cannot be done. God may have waited centuries for someone ignorant enough of the impossible to do that very thing." - John Andrew Holmes

Today, I ran across this quote and I thought to myself "Wow, how true is this! It always boils down to your own self-belief. I fully believe that fear is 100 % self created. Without you, it doesn't exist and thus, you can do anything.

It reminded me of an indoor show that Ryan and I wrote two years ago (FEAR, Fantasized Experiences Appearing Real). We explored some of the things that people were afraid of: love, limitations, failure, success and self. In the end, the audience realizes that no two people have the same list or level of fears - they are all self manufactured. I always said knowing is half the battle. Don't limit yourself with fear. Choose ignorance. I hope you are always ignorant to all that holds you back.

Love and peace,

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